Children’s Ministry:
- Nursery/Preschool Worship – Children ages 1 year to 4 years old will meet to worship our Lord in the Nursery Area of the first floor of the Education Building. Children can start in the nursery or sanctuary for children’s sermon then join Preschool Worship. This ministry focuses on nurturing and teaching our young children about the love of Jesus Christ. Volunteers rotate on a regular basis as they serve in our nursery and preschool ministry each Sunday morning during worship. Contact: Debbie Gilbert.
- Children’s Worship – This ministry provides a morning worship service for children ages 5 thru 5th grade. Children begin morning worship with their parents in the sanctuary at 11:00 am and depart for children’s worship after the children’s sermon. The children worship our Lord through age appropriate prayer, songs, a message and scripture. Contact: Debbie Gilbert.
- Sproutz – This ministry provides an evening worship service for children ages 5 thru 5th grade. Every Sunday night from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm, there is Devotion, Snacks and Games. If you like JAM on Wednesdays, you’ll love Sproutz on Sunday evenings. Contact: Andy Walters.
Youth (Rootz) Ministry Team:
This ministry focuses on helping our middle and high school students grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ as well as with other Christians. There are various opportunities to serve in an on-going role in this ministry. Contact: Andy Walters.
This ministry focuses on helping our middle and high school students grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ as well as with other Christians. There are various opportunities to serve in an on-going role in this ministry. Contact: Andy Walters.
Wednesday Night JAM Ministry:
An exciting community outreach for children kindergarten through 5th grade. On Wednesdays at 5:30, we invite area children to a simple/nutritious meal. We follow that up at 6:00 pm with a mini VBS experience. Please be in prayer for our children’s ministry and student ministry. Contact: Andy Walters
An exciting community outreach for children kindergarten through 5th grade. On Wednesdays at 5:30, we invite area children to a simple/nutritious meal. We follow that up at 6:00 pm with a mini VBS experience. Please be in prayer for our children’s ministry and student ministry. Contact: Andy Walters
College (Branchez) Ministry Team:
BrancheZ is a ministry that is being constructed for college-age individuals. Contact: Andy Walters.
BrancheZ is a ministry that is being constructed for college-age individuals. Contact: Andy Walters.
Greeter/Usher Ministry Team:
- Greeters: The Welcome Team strives to set a Christian example of the Body of Christ as members of God’s family by giving guests a warm and comfortable welcome. They provide guests with information about the church and place them in appropriate Small Group Bible studies.
- Ushers: These men help with taking up the offering and passing out bulletins with a smile to make everyone feel welcome.
- Security Ushers: This ministry provides security during Sunday worship services for our building and our parking lot. Contact: Paul Bowman.
Sunday School and Small Group Bible Studies:
Our small group Bible studies are the foundational strategies for helping people to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and with other believers. There are various groups for all ages. Sunday School meets at 9:45 am and Men’s Bible Study on Wednesday morning.
Our small group Bible studies are the foundational strategies for helping people to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and with other believers. There are various groups for all ages. Sunday School meets at 9:45 am and Men’s Bible Study on Wednesday morning.
Sound/Audio Visual Ministry Team:
This ministry helps with worship services/events/meetings by providing quality sound and audio visual enhancement. Training is provided so experience is not necessary. Contact: Michael Strickler.
Choir and Musicians:
The Choir leads worship in the Sunday morning worship service. If you sing or play an instrument, this could be the place for you! Contact: Kevin Odom.
Transportation Ministry Team:
This team provides transportation for those who need assistance to attend our worship services. Contact: Louis Trivette.
This team provides transportation for those who need assistance to attend our worship services. Contact: Louis Trivette.
Prayer Chain Ministry:
This ministry provides a 24/7 Prayer Hotline for those who have urgent prayer requests. Contact: Shirley Hopkins.
This essentially encompasses the “women on mission” of the church. Project JFK (Our ministry to John F. Kennedy Elementary) and the Operation Christmas Child (Shoebox Ministry) are just a couple of mission opportunities our women take on each year. Contact: Renae Fletcher.
The purpose of this ministry is to plan mission/ministry projects and fellowships that bring men together and reach out to our community. Contact: Kenny Lawson or Tony Tittsworth.
Deacon Ministry:
These men are servant leaders within the church. The church has a process for selecting deacons based on scripture. Contact: Michael Strickler.
- Community Outreach Ministry: This team helps our church to plan and implement various creative outreach events such as Trunk and Treat.
- Card Ministry: This group meets on Thursdays at 10:00 am to write cards to guests and members as a way to provide encouragement and follow up from our church.
- Food Ministry Team: This team provides food for members during times of grief. Contact: Debbie Gilbert.
- Grief Ministry Team: This team provides assistance/ministerial care to our members during times of grief. They help during times of grief by organizing meals, prayer support, counsel, and visits of support and encouragement. Contact: Sarah Wampler.