Annual Special Events

Youth Sunday

Youth Sunday is one of our favorite services of the year. The youth lead the worship service, so the old way of doing things is gone and the new way has begun. The music is new and there is a different energy in the room. You will certainly receive a blessing by coming to watch how our  Youth worship our Lord!

“Souper” Bowl Sunday

Each year we collect cans of soup on the day of the Super Bowl for the Care House as a community outreach effort to help tackle hunger in Lynn Garden. On February 9, 2025, our church prayed over 545 cans of soup that were delivered to the Care House. We will again be collecting cans of soup on Sunday, February 8, 2026.

Baptist Men’s Day

Churches use Baptist Men’s Day to remind their entire congregation of the importance of Baptist Men’s ministry within the church, community, and the world. During the morning worship service, all men are invited and encouraged to sing in the choir.

Baptist Women’s Day

Churches use Baptist Women’s Day to remind their entire congregation of the importance of Baptist Women’s ministry within the church, community, and the world. During the morning worship service, all women are invited and encouraged to sing in the choir.

Easter Sunrise Service

We have an Easter Sunrise Service at 7:00 am on Easter Sunday. We celebrate that the Lord has risen, defeated death and will bring salvation and eternal life to everyone who puts their faith in Him.
Weather permitting, the service is held outside under the covered walk way to the church. Please mark your calendar and invite a friend to attend this event.

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Our VBS for 2025 is scheduled for June 16-20. Parent Night and our VBS Carnival will be held on Friday night.
It takes a whole village to reach the children … everyone is needed and wanted to participate in this exciting ministry. We are looking forward to VBS in 2025 and you do not want to miss it as we will share the Good News of Jesus with all ages. We think that VBS should be fun, yet grounded in reality. Everything that is taught will be Bible-based and biblically accurate. Bible characters will not be presented as cartoons or inanimate objects. Our goal is for children to understand the reality of the Bible through an entertaining, theme-oriented learning approach. And, we’ll strive to make the learning and activity features appropriate for the age group they are designed to reach. There will also be a class for adult learners.

Mission Dignity Emphasis

Each year we collect an offering  for this amazing ministry. Mission Dignity honors retirement-age Southern Baptist ministers, workers and widows struggling to meet basic needs through advocacy and financial assistance.  Please use a special offering envelope and designate it “Mission Dignity” if you would like to show your support. Or, you can use our online giving option and write “Mission Dignity” in the comments box on the form.


Homecoming at Lynn Garden Baptist Church was held on Sunday, September 29, 2024 and we celebrated our church’s 84th anniversary.  Each year at Homecoming, we encourage those who have moved away to return for a reunion. A luncheon always follows the morning worship service and each family is asked to bring enough food for sharing.


Trunk n’ Treat

Our 17th annual Trunk n’ Treat at Lynn Garden Baptist Church is scheduled for Saturday, October 25, 2025. Trunk n’ Treat is our annual community outreach event at Halloween where we park cars in the church parking lot and give out candy from the trunks. Many photos from our 2024 Trunk N’ Treat event are available in a gallery located under the MEDIA menu.

Shoebox Ministry

Last year, we asked each family to put together at least one shoebox for Operation Christmas Child. On Sunday, November 17, 2024, our church prayed over 53 shoeboxes that were taken to Good Samaritan ministries to be delivered to needy children all over the world.
The shoebox will more than likely be the only gift the recipient will get the entire year. Also, before a child receives a box a booklet, containing the gospel in their language, will be placed in the shoebox by Good Samaritan ministries. What a great opportunity we have to be a part of sharing the love of Christ all over the world!
In 2025, we will again be inviting everyone to fill their own shoebox. You can pick up a box in the church office. If you would rather purchase items, we can use them to fill or make more boxes.
A list of items that could go in your shoebox gift can be displayed by clicking the button below.

Angel Tree

During the Christmas season, the Angel Tree is located in the sanctuary and is used to adopt a child from JF Kennedy for Christmas gifts. There are angel ornaments on the tree that have girl or boy written on them.  In addition, it lists sizes for the student. All children love to receive a toy at Christmas so that is always a great gift to include.

Lottie Moon Post Office

Each year we donate money to our Lottie Moon International Mission Offering. We do this by sharing Christmas Cards with our church family and contributing the postage to the offering. We bring the cards to the church and the youth separates and sorts the cards. Each family has a designated mailbox and picks up their cards throughout the Christmas season. Please let the church office know if you do not have a mailbox. The mailboxes are located in the basement of the Sanctuary building near the entrance to the Fellowship Hall.

Student Christmas Celebration and Party

Our Student Christmas Celebration and Church Christmas Party is scheduled for Sunday, December 7, 2025. Our students of all ages will celebrate Christmas with a worship service full of songs, a parody and a message. The Christmas Party will follow the service and will be held downstairs in the fellowship hall. 

Christmas Cantata

The Lynn Garden Baptist Church Choir performs a Christmas Cantata each year. The music celebrates the true meaning of Christmas and the decorations are beautiful.
Please join us for a time of celebration through music and bring your friends and family.

Christmas Candlelight Service

Our Candlelight service is always held on Christmas night at 8:00 pm. After all the planning and festivities of Christmas, the Candlelight Service is an excellent opportunity to slow down and celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. The service consists of a sermon, carols, communion and lighting of each person’s candle. Don’t let Christmas day pass without celebrating the true meaning of Christmas.