Outreach Ministries

Shoebox Ministry

This year, we asked each family to put together at least one shoebox for Operation Christmas Child. On Sunday, November 17, 2024, our church prayed over 53 shoeboxes that were taken to Good Samaritan ministries to be delivered to needy children all over the world.
The shoebox will more than likely be the only gift the recipient will get the entire year. Also, before a child receives a box a booklet containing the gospel in their language will be placed in the shoebox by Good Samaritan ministries. What a great opportunity we have to be a part of sharing the love of Christ all over the world.
In 2025, we will again be inviting everyone to fill their own shoebox. If you would rather just bring items to the church, we can use them to fill or make more boxes.
A list of items that could go in your shoebox gift can be displayed by clicking the button below.

Care House

The Care House is located in Lynn Garden at the corner of Lynn Garden Drive and Virginia Street. We are partnering with them to collect food for the neighborhood food bank.
The current needs are toiletries, food items or monetary donations. They can purchase the food at a cheaper cost. Peanut butter is always needed.  Other food items that are needed include canned meat, mac and cheese, spaghetti noodles and sauce. Please place items in the collection area behind the choir loft.

Many thanks to everyone that helps feed the hungry in our community.

Homebound Ministry

This is a team of men and women who are passionate about serving the homebound members of Lynn Garden Baptist Church and are ensuring that though they may not be with us in person, they are not forgotten.  If you share a similar passion, this team would welcome you in joining with them as they care for those who can no longer be physically with us.  Contact the church office to learn more about this ministry.

Project JFK School Supply Collection

Each year, our students at John F Kennedy Elementary could use a little help collecting supplies for the school year.  Below are some of the things they need.  Please place all items in the collection area behind the choir loft.